
SimRunner takes your existing ProModel simulation models, evaluates them for you, then performs tests to find better ways to achieve the results you desire. Typically, most people use simulation tools to predict and improve a system’s performance by modeling the actual location (e.g., a plant floor, a bank lobby, or emergency room) or abstract process (i.e., a logical process). Through testing various "what-if" scenarios, SimRunner can help you determine the most ideal way to conduct operations—we call this optimization.

When you conduct an analysis using SimRunner, you build and run projects. With each project, SimRunner runs sophisticated optimization algorithms on your model to help you optimize multiple factors simultaneously. For each project, you will need to provide SimRunner with a model to analyze or optimize, identify which input factors to change, and define how to measure system performance using an objective function. SimRunner can conduct two types of tests: Pre-Analysis (Statistical Advantage) and Simulation Optimization.